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Molly McIntyre

National Museum of the American Indian

Updated: May 22, 2022

Hi guys, Molly here!

One of the great things about New York City is all the museums it has. Among them are some very well known ones such as the Met or MoMA. However, the National Museum of the American Indian, located just a 5 minute walk from the Whitehall St. subway station is another great one to explore. It's not only free but it's part of the Smithsonian museum's that are in New York, Washington D.C. and more!

Once you walk in you have to go through a metal detector, just like at the airport, and then you are free to enjoy the museum, no charge at all. When you walk straight forward into the giant room with an oval center that has chairs, make sure to look up. The ceiling has beautiful artwork on it and you don't want to miss it. On all sides of the seating area are different doors that lead to different exhibits you can go and explore. I choose to go look at the exhibition on "The Art of Oscar Howe." I made sure to include pictures and videos below!

When you first walk into the exhibition and look to your left, there are paintings that depict old scenes of American Indian tribes and different parts of their lives, traditions, and culture.

There are also descriptions to go along with a fair number of the paintings explaining what might be going on, or the artist's intended meaning behind the work of art. Although, the meaning of other's are left to the imagination of the on-looker.

Attached below are two video's explaining what it's like getting to the museum and showing you a little preview of what it looks like inside!

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